Monday, October 31, 2016

Way of a Pilgrim

“But how wonderful, how delightful and how consoling a thing it is when God is pleased to grant the gift of self-acting spiritual prayer, and to cleanse the soul of all sensuality! It is a condition which is impossible to describe, and the discovery of this mystery of prayer is a foretaste on earth of the bliss of heaven.”[1]

Ever living and ever loving God,

Let it not be enough to be near You, but to be found in you.
Let it not be enough to know of You, but to know you in the mystery of your passion and the power of your resurrection.
Let it not be enough to visit where your presence dwells, but may I ever live in you.
Under the shadow of your wings, in your tender mercy.

Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy on me a sinner. Look upon your servant with favor. Hide not your face from me, but blot out all my iniquities though the are many. Cleanse me, purge me, purify me that I may worship You in Spirit and in truth with clean hands, with a pure heart and with lips that speak no guile.

Speak to me in the silence of the inner heart. May I find you there.
Speak to me through the companions who accompany me on this journey of faith. As they come and go let me see your face in theirs. Let me hear your voice in their words. May I greet them with joy and with joy lovingly release them back into your hands.

Holy God, let your name ever be on my lips. Let it ever dwell in my heart. Let my name dissolve in your name. May my life be hidden in Christ. May I become by grace what you are by nature by the power of your indwelling Spirit. All these I ask you in the name of your son Jesus. Amen.

   [1] Way of a Pilgrim. (New York: Doubleday & Company, 1992), 15.

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